
Riverside County Eminent Domain Lawyer

Hubbard Law Firm is a Riverside County Eminent Domain Law Firm with one primary purpose: To protect southern California property owners and businesses from abuses of the eminent domain process. Founded in 2008 by David Hubbard, HLF has helped Riverside County and San Bernardino County property owners and businesses in eminent domain cases obtain the just compensation that government tries to avoid paying.

Hubbard Law Firm offers a FREE CONSULTATION at (951) 686-2660 to every prospective client. Equally attractive to most clients is our CONTINGENCY arrangement, which means no monthly billing from HLF, and in fact, no billing until HLF has obtained more money for the client than was offered before HLF was hired.

Riverside County and San Bernardino County public entities wield awesome powers in the eminent domain arena. People who have to negotiate with local government must know how to navigate the legal machinations of eminent domain as well as or better than the attorneys representing those local agencies. David Hubbard has been, and continues to be, the Riverside County lawyer best equipped to stand up to and defeat the eminent domain bully.

On many occasions, clients have contacted HLF “just to review and approve” an early offer extended to the client by the government. These early offers are routinely lopsided, with the government not even addressing aspects of just compensation that the law makes available to the property or business owner. On almost every one of these instances, HLF has been able to convince the client to reject the offer and has then recovered substantially more money for the client. In Riverside County, Davie is recognized as an experienced eminent domain attorney who fights hard to protect his clients’ rights.

Riverside County and San Bernardino property and business owners face an onslaught of pressures from government representatives at the outset of a public project; their solution is an experienced eminent domain lawyer. The government usually pays outside agents, trained in the art of manipulation, to try to negotiate a quick resolution that is not in the property or business owner’s best interest. When Hubbard Law Firm enters the case, the government’s deceptive tactics and ploys cease immediately.

Hubbard Law Firm has enabled Riverside County clients to obtain favorable eminent domain resolutions at every stage of the matter – but when the government stubbornly stands on a lowball position, HLF will fight to trial, appeal, and even to the California Supreme Court, if necessary. Founding attorney and lead trial lawyer David Hubbard has won eminent domain cases at every level – Court Trial, Jury Trial, Appellate Court and the California Supreme Court.

Lead trial attorney David Hubbard has practiced in civil litigation since 1993. Dave narrowed his focus to eminent domain after he joined a Riverside County eminent domain firm in 2001. A couple of years after earning a partnership position there, Dave left to run a law firm his own way in 2008. Dave was uncomfortable representing public agencies in eminent domain because his greater sympathies were for the businesses and property owners upon whom eminent domain was imposed.

Inverse Condemnation

Inverse condemnation is, effectively, an eminent domain case that the government refuses to acknowledge. In short, one has an inverse condemnation cause of action when the government engages in a public project and damages private property without paying just compensation. Inverse condemnation can arise from an accident, neglect, mistake or intentional omission. Many of the legal principles applicable to eminent domain are also applicable to inverse condemnation, but there are several significant differences. David Hubbard is recognized by attorneys in the field as a Riverside County, San Bernardino County, and Orange County and Riverside County eminent domain lawyer who takes inverse condemnation cases and wins them. HLF has had referrals on inverse condemnation cases from attorneys outside the Inland Empire, from Orange County to San Luis Obispo.

Jury Trials

Hubbard Law Firm has vast experience with jury trials and has always obtained a result better than the offer the client had received before HLF took the case. In many instances, HLF has earned San Bernardino County Eminent Domain Lawyer and Riverside County Eminent Domain Lawyer verdicts double, triple or more than the government’s original offer. After a succession of jury trials in Riverside County courts, David Hubbard was invited to join the original Bench/Bar Committee of Riverside County, with Mr. Hubbard representing solo and small law practices in the group of a handful of attorneys and local trial judges.

Appellate Court

Hubbard Law Firm has successfully defended Riverside County Eminent Domain trial victories in the appellate courts, and has also overturned trial court defeats at the appellate level. Practice in the appellate courts is unique; it is a great benefit to the client to have the same attorney who has handled the trial court case also handle the appeal. With other law firms, a client would have to shop around and become acquainted with new counsel if the trial result required appeal.

Ninth Circuit District Court

A few years ago, David Hubbard was retained by experienced Los Angeles trial counsel to represent a client whose case was in federal court, before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals – one of the most influential courts in the country. Mr. Hubbard was retained by the LA-area counsel because she was familiar with his courtroom advocacy in a San Bernardino County Eminent Domain case and wanted Mr. Hubbard to present oral argument before the Ninth Circuit. That representation saved the client a substantial sum, compared to the lower court ruling.

California Supreme Court

Riverside County Eminent Domain Lawyer David Hubbard was integrally involved in an eminent domain case that was decided by the California Supreme Court in 2007. Hubbard was the onlyattorneyinvolvedinthatcasefromstarttofinish. Mr.Hubbardhadasecondeminentdomain case that earned review before the California Supreme Court. In this case, Dave exposed some of the most egregious practices employed by public agencies in eminent domain and sought to get the Court to change the law. Unfortunately, the Court eventually lumped it in with a few other eminent domain cases and effectively punted on the primary issues Hubbard was promoting. Soon thereafter, though, the Legislature stepped in and favorably addressed some of the inequities Dave had exposed.

If you are looking for a Riverside County Eminent Domain Lawyer with experience resolving cases before litigation begins . . before trial starts . . at trial . . on appeal . . before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals . . or even at the California Supreme Court, your best choice is David Hubbard of Hubbard Law Firm. Call HUBBARD LAW FIRM at (951) 686-2660 to arrange for your FREE CONSULTATION!

Client Reviews
"Dave has been my attorney on several eminent domain matters over many years. Dave prepares for the end result from the very beginning. His end results have been great for me and my family." Robert
"I told Dave right away that the case stressed me out, I wanted it over right away. Dave promised me that he would bear all of the stress as long as I gave him a chance to get me more money. He accomplished both tasks." Barbara
"I loved the visual of Dave by himself at one end of counsel’s table, with the government represented by three attorneys on the other end. The jury noticed. We were awarded a substantial victory by a jury that obviously liked Dave a lot." Paul
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